Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Tetrad Blood Moons A Sign of Great Tribulation & Lord's Second Coming to Earth on The Feast of Tabernacle?

I believe that the tetrad blood moons, are a sign pointing to the 7 year tribulation, along with the Second Coming of Jesus to Earth, as well as a sign of the Season and nearness of the Rapture. Therefore, it's a bad news for inhabitants of the Earth, good news situation for the Bride of Christ, because she'll be taken beforehand at the Rapture before the 7 years tribulation and the Lord's Second Coming to Earth.  It's bad news for those left behind, horrific events of times ahead, all hell will break forth on Earth. However, there is good news, for Jesus will return to Earth, after the 7 year tribulation period, to win the battle, at Armageddon, and to set up His kingdom on Earth, along with His Saints.

 There was a mention by some scholar, that after 2015 tetrad blood moons, there won't be any more for centuries to come?

The last tetrad moons happens in 2015. I was just thinking perhaps this year 2014, during, or shortly after the blood tetrad moons, may mean the possibility of the Rapture taking place, this year 2014. If that is the case then that means Jesus would return at His Second Coming to Earth, 7 years later, in 2021...the number 21 once again... The 21st Century, in the 21st year...! 

Maybe it will happen on the Feast of Tabernacles, which is also sometimes called Booths/Sukkot, this year 2014? The Feast of Tabernacles, is also a 7 day feast and in 2021, it happens to fall on... are you ready... first day, Sept. 21, 2021. It ends on Sept.28, 2021. 

Jewish Holy Days Calendar

Therefore, in the 21st Century on the 21st year on the 21st day on the
very Feast of Tabernacles Jesus would return back to Earth to rule and reign. This would be the Lord's Second coming to Earth.

The reason I think this might be a clue to the time of Jesus coming at the Rapture as well as His Second Coming to Earth, because of the following verse. "AND IT SHALL COME TO PASS THAT EVERYONE WHO IS LEFT OF ALL NATIONS WHICH CAME AGAINST JERUSALEM SHALL GO UP FROM YEAR TO YEAR TO WORSHIP THE KING, THE LORD OF HOSTS, AND TO KEEP THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES." ZECHARIAH 14:16" Since this feast is a gathering unto the Lord Jesus, in Jerusalem, for those who came AGAINST Jerusalem.   The Rapture is a gathering for those who willing ACCEPTED the Lord beforehand, are, therefore, present with the Lord in Jerusalem.

Both Years 2014 & 2015, Feast of Tabernacles there are blood moons
on Oct. 8, 2014 & on Sept. 28, 2015 

I don't know the exact day or hour of the Lord coming at the Rapture, it could be any day or hour in 2014, or it could be on the very first day of the feast of Tabernacles, Oct. 8, 2014 or any of the 7 days thereafter. Or I could be
wrong and it could be anywhere in-between Passover April 15,2014 to 
Oct. 8, 2014, or shortly afterwards. We do know that "if" the Rapture does take place this year 2014, then Jesus will return to Earth to rule and reign in 2021.

Remembering Jesus words, Look UP for your redemption draws nigh.  Jesus told us if we watched for the signs of His Coming, we would know that it is near even at the doors.

Jesus was giving us a major clue for when we see the signs, in the Sun & the Moon, know, that we are very close to the Lord's coming at the Rapture.

Yes Jesus is very close now, therefore, let us encourage one another, to hang in a little longer




The Second Coming of the Lord to Earth, is to do battle, and rescue the remnants of God chosen people the Jews and save the Earth and it's inhabitants from total destruction. This will be at the Lord's return to Earth Second time around, with His Saints to fight the battle at Armageddon, at which Jesus & His Army will be Victorious. (Gathering of Jesus, Saints, to battle)

The Lord's Second Coming to Earth, will be an answer to the "Lord's Prayer", thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth, as it is in Heaven. Jesus will finally fulfill and answer our prayers and set up His Kingdom here on Earth in Jerusalem; from where He will rule and reign, along with His Saints. Jesus will now reign with a rod of Iron, and finally there will be true peace on Earth. (Gathering of Jesus & Saints to set up His Kingdom on Earth, where everyone will come and worship the Lord) 

Therefore, it make sense, why this Feast of Tabernacles, is commanded to be kept by God by everyone on Earth. (Gathering of everyone to worship and give thanks to God during the 7 day period, for everything the Lord has done for us through Jesus our Lord and Savior)

Lord, we have made a Tabernacle for your Holy Spirit to dwell within our being. We await, our Tabernacle in Heaven which you went to prepare for us. We are Honored to serve and reign, alongside the Lord and give you all the Glory, for the Tabernacle you will establish on Earth at your Second Coming in Jerusalem. We will continue to worship the Lord, in Heaven, and at His coming and reign on Earth. May everyday be the Feast of Tabernacles, and may all hearts rejoice in your coming for your Bride, and your Second return to Earth, now and forevermore. Amen. 



The Tabernacle (Hebrew: משכן‎, mishkan, "residence" or "dwelling place"), according to the Hebrew Bible, was the portable dwelling place for the divine presence from the time of the Exodus from Egypt through the conquering of the land of Canaan. Built to specifications revealed by God (Yahweh) to Moses at Mount Sinai, it accompanied the Israelites on their wanderings in the wilderness and their conquest of the Promised Land. The First Temple in Jerusalem superseded it as the dwelling-place of God.

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