Monday, October 21, 2013

LEFT BEHIND? WHAT'S NEXT? LEFT BEHIND LETTERS - To those who missed the Rapture!!!






Left Behind Letters

To whom it may concern;

Well, this should concern everyone. By now you've probably heard, thousands of people are gone, disappeared into thin air. You might be afraid, and if so keep reading, I'd like to help you to understand what is going on, the best that I can. However, I am particularly concerned about those of you who do know. You probably belonged to a church that taught you that once you said those few words you had fire insurance and a sure spot in the Rapture, no matter how you lived from that point on. You may have been taught that there was no rapture, it passed, it is still to come, or that the world will be restored to paradise when Jesus comes again.

You now know the truth. The rapture was real, it happened, and you've been left behind.

This is no time for I told you so, because the time is short. Your first step is to pray. I don't know for sure what will happen in your future, but I have been told that their will be saints coming out of the rapture. You can be one of them. Pray, receive Christ into your heart now, for real, tell him that no matter what, he is the savior of your heart, your master, your God and there is no other. Tell him that you believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ as outlined in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Step two is to begin reading your Bible. Meditate on it as much as possible, the time may come, when you can no longer possess the word of God physically. But you can always hide the word in your heart. Meditate, in the Bible means to murmur, ponder, aloud. Read those scriptures aloud as much as possible. The Bible promises that the word of God will not go out and return unto him void. Speak his word out loud and let it get into your heart 3 ways, by sight, by ear and by mouth. You must know what you believe. Start in the New Testament, just because the time is at hand. Revelation should be read as well, I cannot give you the full meaning of what each prophecy means, but check the websites, such as this one Rapture Ready, and others, check the links page on this site, it is quite thorough.

Step three, is the hardest, but the most important, you must tell others. Find a way, by email, by word of mouth, by phone, by postal mail. You must tell the Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone you know, the time may come where your life will be on the line for doing so, but know that you are in good company. The apostles in the Bible faced death for spreading the gospel but God was with them, just as he is with you, and he still loves you. He doesn't want anyone to perish. Hell is real, it was meant for Satan the devil and his followers NOT YOU.

Know this, the victory belongs to Jesus Christ, stick with him unto death. One more important note, no matter what DO NOT EVER take a stamp, a chip, a mark of any type into your body (hand or forehead) it is the mark of the beast 666, and those who accept this mark pledge their allegiance to the anti-Christ and Satan they are going to Hell and their is no going back.

The peace of God and our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Joy Sherman

"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"


Re: Left Behind Letters

To those left behind,

I write this to you with God in my heart and you in my mind. I know that by doing so, he will say through me what you need so desperately to hear. Maybe you are alone and suffering. Maybe you are holding onto a loved one's clothing. Perhaps you saw them disappear before your eyes. Believe me when I tell you they were not abducted, nor were they involved in a government conspiracy or spontaneously combusted. You have probably heard these and many other rumors already. You may also be inclined to believe these lies.

No doubt you have seen reports and videos of planes falling from the sky, empty vehicles careening into others, trains colliding, babies disappearing from their mother's wombs, and a shortage of law enforcement and medical response teams because they have also disappeared. I know where they are because I have also disappeared. They have been caught up into Heaven by Jesus Christ! As the Bible says, "the groom has come for his bride," and a glorious celebration in Heaven has begun.

For those left behind, something has begun for them as well. A time of trial and tribulation, of Armageddon, of the seven year tribulation (it has so many names). But do not despair. For even though you will face the most tumultuous time in the history of the world, God will show His wonders in the face of these trials. He will lay bare His power and glory for the world to witness, with splendors and feats not seen since the days of Noah and Moses. However difficult they may be to endure, remember that God loves you, and He does these thing to win your love, so that you will have faith only in Him and not be turned over to evil.

In the time when the world must choose sides, do not be deceived by false prophets, or those who say they have come in the Lord's name. If they say Jesus is in the mountains, do not go there. If they say He has abandoned you, do not believe them. Trust only in the Bible and Jesus Christ. You are caught in the middle of a war, a war between Heaven and Hell, and the prize is your very soul. Jesus shall return for you if you believe. I pray you do!

To my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus

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Re: Left Behind Letters
"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

To those who are deeply confused:

To those lost in the chaos of what just occurred. My name is Alex. I am a Christian. I gave my heart to Jesus and I lived for Him best I could. That is why I am no longer here on earth. I wrote this letter a while back in case the Rapture came.

Suspend your disbelief. Let's say that the Bible is 100 percent accurate in ALL it's predictions....did you know that it IS? Did you know the odds are IMPOSSIBLE for it to be that way, yet that proves it's truth!

Jesus is coming again. 7 years after the date in following the vanishings in which Israel signs a peace treaty with her enemies. Remember, God loves you and He desperately wants you far more than you can possibly understand!!!! He made everything you see. And He wants to share it with YOU. All you have to do is acknowledge Him as Your God.

WHO IS GOD? God is the "is" in "is"...God has always been, and WILL always be...and He wants to share all of that with you personally. He is not a "force" or an "essence", He is personal and He created us in His own image.

Don't get caught up in the world, Give your heart to Jesus and You will be saved. The next 7 years will be tough, if you choose Christ you will feel the weight of persecutions you have never imagined. Be strong. Always depend on Jesus and His word to pull you through.

Do not trust the world leader. There will come a man who will deceive many. He will be the president of the world or the world king. Do not follow this man. He is the anti-Christ. He will seek the destruction of all those who refuse to worship him. He will trick the very elect. Be careful and put your trust in Jesus, this way the Holy Spirit will guide you to not be taken.

Do not take the MARK. This leader will demand that the world take a mark. It will likely be a code somehow placed on your right hand or forehead. It will allow you to buy and sell without the use of bills, cards or any other tangible form. Without this mark you will be forbidden to buy and sell in public. Do not take this mark, even under penalty of death! The Bible says that you will be lost forever if you take the "Mark of the Beast". This mark is the mark of Satan, and once it is on you, you are lost to God, in fact, you will hate God as Satan does.

Remember that God loves you no matter what you have done. He is always ready and willing to forgive you. Go to Him and receive Him as your savior, please don't hesitate, there is little time left.

I pray whoever you are, you will see the truth and come to take Jesus as your Lord. Jesus will be back soon to establish His kingdom here on earth. In the meantime, let Him share a piece of it in your heart.

God be with you always,

Alex home.

Re: Left Behind Letters

Dear Searcher,

I remember the shock and dismay we all felt when the Twin Towers were struck. They had been there my whole life. Now they are not and I sometimes don't know what to do with their absence. That is the closest I can come to understanding how you must be feeling now, especially if someone you love is missing (much worse than a couple of buildings!). Nothing in the world has ever happened like this. I do not know what you have been told by those who would like to try and make some sense out of this. Nobody just vanishes into thin air. Large groups of people from around the globe certainly don't just disappear. Yet the fact remains that we were here and are not now and the experts' theories are ringing hollow.

Perhaps you surfed out this site because you had heard about some people who believed in an event they called the "rapture" and wanted to see what we had to say, no matter how far fetched. Perhaps you thought we were not quite right in the head but things got so weird all of the sudden.... Or, having been trained to think in politically correct terms, you thought the idea was interesting, allbeit a little strange, but hey, to each his own, but things did get so weird all of the sudden.... Perhaps you are just curious and since things got so weird all of the sudden.... Well, apparently you feel the idea is worth the effort to investigate, since you made it to this site. I'm glad to see you have an open mind. If you are also intellectually honest I think it will be easier for you to discern the truth of the matter.

Some things for you to consider when weighing your options:
1) There have been people taken from every nation, whether or not there was war or political unrest in their land.
2) Many of them, though not all, are known to be Christians in an unpopular sense.
3) Some of them, though known Christians, did not believe this would happen and openly denied the doctrine of the "rapture".
4) Many who had strong Christian associations (I.e. church members, clergy, missionaries, philanthropists, "good people") are not listed among the missing.

Again, I do not know what theories have been expounded in an effort to explain this phenomenon. I agree that if this was the Christian rapture, the fact that all taken were Christians should be readily apparent and all the Christians should have agreed that it was going to happen. I am sorry it is not apparent and that we did not agree with each other. I am sorry that we have done so much to confuse you. The fact that there is confusion about this is partly our fault for not living as we claimed we should. In fact, in the days before we left we did a pretty good job of stripping the term "Christian" of any uniform meaning. This is why there are so many "Christians" still around and why so many were taken that didn't think they would be. Some understood the most fundamental aspects of what Christians believe but beyond that they got bad teaching. Some did not get good teaching on the fundamental aspects of Christian truth and are left behind because they did not belong to Christ at the time of the rapture.

I can offer you two things by way of encouragement right now-
1)There will be no more sudden disappearances. 2) You can still become a Christian. Here's the deal:
I wish you could have learned this sooner, but the term "Christian" has only one application. It describes a person who understands and accepts that Jesus Christ has paid for their wrongdoing ("sins" or "trespasses") Himself by His death on the cross.

A Christian no longer expects God to approve of him or her based on his/her own righteousness. A Christian understands that he or she does not have the ability to please God by working to satisfy Him. This is because any right things we do are always colored by the fact that we have also done wrong. However, Jesus Christ, who is Himself God, came to bear our sins. He took the punishment -the death- that belonged to us.

The Apostle Paul puts it this way in his letter to the Colossian church, "And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses, having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross." Colossians 2:13,14, (New King James version). The handwriting of requirements is the list of things we have done wrong, the crimes against God's law that we have committed that have earned us the death penalty. Apart from Christ we are "dead men walking" (remember the movie?). But Jesus chose to take our punishment for us. This was accepted by God as satisfactory payment. He showed this acceptance by raising Christ from the dead. Now our debts are paid in full and the handwriting of requirements is "wiped out". You have the choice of paying for your own sins or accepting His payment on your behalf. All you need to do is ask Him to make His death count for your sins too. God will do the necessary transaction in heaven. Do you believe He died for your sins? Do you believe His death is sufficient to cover your "handwriting of requirements"? What do you chose- to pay for your own sins for eternity in hell or to receive Christ's offer of payment on your behalf? Please pause here to conduct this business with heaven before proceeding.

Now, this Jesus is also the Messiah that the Jews have waited for so long. He has come to them once already but the nation of Israel rejected Him. Many things are going to happen during the next seven years that will result in many Jewish people coming to understand that He really is their Messiah. However, before that happens one will come on the scene (perhaps he has already) who will present himself to them, and to the world, as the Jewish Messiah. He will institute a time of peace but this will not last (expect about 3 1/2 years). He will be VERY convincing and many will believe his claims to be God and the Messiah. Please do not be among them! He will come first, before Jesus Christ.

One way that you will know the difference is that the real Messiah, Jesus Christ, has wounds from the cross- one in each wrist and one in each foot from the nails, and one in His side from the spear. I doubt very much that the false messiah will have any such marks, though I think he will be revived from a fatal wound at some point. There will be many other telling signs as well. Pay attention to the goings on in Israel.

One final point-


Again in the book of Colossians Paul writes that "In Him we are circumcised with a circumcision made without the circumcision of Christ" Colossians 2:11 NKJV. Yes, ladies too. This circumcision is a figurative mark of a covenant that God makes with us which identifies us as His. The mark you receive from the false messiah will have the same binding effect, but the covenant will be with him. He is the anti- Christ and you will be his forever if you take his mark. Of course it will be presented in no such terms. It will seem to be a matter of practical necessity.

Do not take it. Choose to die first. Christ chose death for you. He will give you the help you will need to chose death for Him. You have been prayed for for a long time. If you can, get a Bible and read Hebrews chapters 11 and 12. Many have walked hard roads on their way Home. Yours won't be easy either but the One who has called you is Faithful. I want to hear your story when we meet. Till the glorious appearing,


"Fair Use for Information & Discussion Purposes"

Left Behind Letters

A Letter From One of the Missing
Dear Friend,
Are you looking for me? Is the world looking for millions of missing people that have just vanished in an instant? Are all little children around the globe part of the missing group? If so, I can tell you what has happened. Don't believe the very convincing lies you will hear. Don't believe UFO's got us. Don't believe some cosmic reaction erased us.

The truth is - are you ready for this? - we're at a wedding. Yup. In fact, we are the "bride." The "groom" is Jesus, the Messiah, the Promised One from the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. (Hear, O Israel!) He has come to take His Bride, the true Church and all little innocent ones, out of this world because of what is coming.

Yes, yes, I know. There are all sorts of Christians running around now insisting that this explanation CANNOT be the correct one because THEY are Left Behind. This may include some very visible Christians, like maybe a Pope or something. What does this tell you? It tells you that any "Christian" left behind was a phony. They may have said they believed, blah blah blah, but God knows the heart of men, and He has seen that they are fakes.

Will you ever see us again? Will you ever see your loved ones that are missing? That's up to you. You see, Jesus has removed His bride from the earth in one last attempt to get your attention. Are you paying attention now? Good! Here is what you need to know. God loves you. That is, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. One God, three persons. A tri-unity. Listen to Isaiah 9:6 For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders. And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.

You will understand this triune God later. Anyway, He wants you to love Him, and He wants to shower you with blessings and joy for all of eternity. But you have been ignoring Him. Maybe you were trying to convince yourself and others that you didn't even believe that He existed. But that's not true, is it? He put the knowledge that He exists in front of all of us. All we have to do is look at the universe and all nature, and deep in our guts, we know He exists. So stop lying to yourself.

Now, next question. Are you, O puny one, going to try to fight Him? Or will you welcome Him as Lord in your life? Let me tell you, He is going to be Lord over you ultimately, with or without your consent. You can either be a conquered enemy, or you can say this prayer and become a child of God. "God, I admit that I have rebelled against You. I have turned my back on You, ignored Your commands and Your word. There's no denying that I have done wrong in my life. Thank You for still being willing to take me as one of Your own. I yield myself to You. I accept You as my Lord. Come into my life and help me be the person You want me to be. Amen." If you have sincerely prayed this prayer, you will be reunited with your missing loved ones, and spend eternity in paradise.

What's next? Trouble, friend, big trouble. I will give you the highlights now, then tell you where to go to find the details, and what you desperately need to know to face the next few years. Christ is coming again, this time to be recognized by Israel as her Messiah and to take control of the world government. This will happen at the end of a seven year period known as the Tribulation. The last three and a half years are even called the Great Tribulation because such awful things are going to happen.

This seven year period will start with a peace treaty that assures Israel safety, and allows her to resume sacrifices on the temple mount in Jerusalem. When you hear this treaty announced (probably within a few months, or at most a few years), you can mark your calendar and know when Christ will come.

The remarkable, charismatic, dynamic, compelling, nearly irresistible person who brokers this peace treaty will be the Anti-Christ. Three and a half years into this treaty, he will break it himself and force the world to worship him as God. Much of the world will believe his lies, and think he is the Messiah. He will try to force all people to show their allegiance to him by receiving a mark, undoubtedly some kind of electronic implant or tattoo. This mark will also control all your financial transactions.

The world will become pretty much a cashless society at this point. So you will need this mark in order to have earnings deposited to you, or to buy the necessities of life. Presumably gold and precious stones will always be acceptable "under the table", so you should begin to accumulate what you can and hide it for later use.

In any case, DO NOT take the mark. Any who do can never undo the deed, and will be punished by God for all eternity for this act. Unfortunately, the anti-Christ's policy will be that all who do not receive the mark will be be-headed. So most new Christians will become martyrs. You will want to start finding some remote location in which to hide. If you are Jewish, flee immediately to Israel! There are further instructions for you in the Bible.

The first months after the disappearances will be a time of increasing lawlessness. Murders, immorality, thefts, will be on the rise. God will begin to demonstrate His displeasure with the sinful, unbelieving world by raining natural disasters in increasing intensity and frequency. They will include worldwide earthquakes, meteor strikes, famine, demonic pestilence, and even some of the wonders displayed to ancient Egypt by Moses, such as water turned into blood. (You will want to get some water purifiers like hikers use, and stash them in your hideaway cabin). Three fourths of the world's population will die of these disasters. Don't delay in crying out to God to save you! You may not live to see tomorrow!

Speaking of Moses, God will send "two witnesses" (my guess is that they will be Moses and Elijah) to preach in Jerusalem. For three and a half years they will warn the world to turn to God, and will convert 144,000 young Jewish men to be Christ's evangelists around the world. This will, of course, infuriate the anti-Christ and his followers. However, the two prophets will be invincible (as will the 144,000).

After three and a half years of preaching, God will allow the two prophets to be killed. The world will celebrate their deaths, and leave their bodies lying in the street for the world to watch. Then terror will strike the world when after three and a half days, the prophets come back from the dead and get up to their feet. The whole world will witness this on their TVs. With everyone watching, God will call the two up, and they will rise into the heavens. A huge earthquake will strike Jerusalem at that moment, killing seven thousand people and destroying a tenth of the city.

How do I know these things will happen? You need to get a Bible. I recommend the New American Standard for being understandable, and a very accurate translation. Read the last book of the Bible, Revelations. Read in the "Old Testament" Zechariah, Ezekiel and Daniel. Find the set of books called the Left Behind series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins. Go to the homes of missing people and search their book shelves. Go to churches that have lost most of their members and search the pastor's office and church libraries for video tapes or study guides they may have created just for this event.

Look for the web sites of places like Jews for Jesus, Lamb and Lion Ministries, and others. Check out the "rapture ready" sites that give tips on how to survive the Tribulation. These web sites won't last forever because there may not be anyone left to keep them up, so don't delay. Also, Bibles may be banned ultimately, so secure yours soon.

Beware of the new world religion. It will sound lofty and idealistic, oh so open-minded and non-judgmental. It may be posed that the vanishing of all those evangelical Christians is actually a good thing, perhaps a removal for reprogramming, or at least getting us out of the way so those left behind can evolve to a higher dimension. Know that this is another of the devil's endless lies.

When trying to decide if you are going to go believe and accept this information, or go with the anti-Christ, think of this. Remember the little ones that you have lost. Your children, grandchildren, or great-grandchildren. They are with Jesus. Do you want to be with them again? Repent of your rejection of Jesus the Messiah, and you will be saved and reunited with your loved ones. Resist God's appeal to you and you will suffer His wrath. His wrath, the Time of Jacob's Troubles, are about to be poured out on an unbelieving world.

True believers were taken out to spare them this time. It is not to late to be saved, and assured that even if you do not physically survive to see Christ come again, you will go to heaven at your death, to wait with us and we will all return with Him at His glorious appearance! The honeymoon trip, you know. Now, adios! Having a wonderful time! Wish, truly, that you were here!!

--- Herbert

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