Thursday, October 24, 2013

My Near Death Experience at Age 16 & My Testimony

My Near Death experience was shorter than most others who have written or spoke about theirs; it was extraordinary, especially to me, since I never experienced anything like this before.

I was only 16 years at the time, back in 1963; I was scheduled for a very long spinal surgery on my back.  It was to straighten and fuse my spine, and I was informed that it was a very long surgery 7- 9 hours or more depending on the progress. 

I had injured my back when I was a child of 9 years, running and playing with children tag on a very slippery newly waxed and polished church hall floor.  I remember slipping and flying up with my whole body straight into the air and slamming down with great force and excruciating pain on my whole back.   It knocked the wind out of me and I couldn't catch my breath or get up.  My whole body was tingling from it, from head to toe, especially my spine.  This was just the beginning for me of a long journey ahead, which would affect the rest of my life in a very profound and everlasting way.


Then through out the years, my spine started to curve, and I lived in chronic pain.  I really had a difficult time in doing what most kids took for granted, as the pain would overwhelm me at times, and I would cry myself to sleep many a night.  My Mother was against my having surgery, for the longest time, instead she had taken an alternative route, having me visit a chiropractor for 3 times a week treatments.  The treatments relieved the pain for a short period of time, nevertheless, the spine continued to worsen as time past, and I was told by an orthopaedic surgeon, if I didn't go and have surgery done soon, I wouldn't be able to walk by age 21.


I was not yet saved, by standards of being born again. I got saved in my early twenties. To make a long story shorter, as I have shared this with others before. I went to have major back surgery, a spinal fusion, which would last almost 9 hours. The only thing is because of the length of time some how the anaesthesias didn't give me enough antistatic, or failed to keep an eye on when it should have been given again. I woke up during the half way point of surgery in excruciating pain! My back was wide open and ribs seemed spread apart and standing in a more upright position. My heart had suddenly stopped beating! 


The next thing I knew there was this sudden jolt, and I left through the top of my head, up to the ceiling of the operating room, and I saw this young body of a girl lying on the operating table.  Her head was to the side and she was lying on her front part of her body while the back was inner parts of her back, spine ribs, were totally exposed.  Then I realized as I zoomed in instantly from above to look, on the face of the body, it was me.  I thought to myself, how could that be me, I'm fine, and then I realized, I was out of the body, and the real me, was alive and not feeling anymore pain. I never felt better in my entire life at that time.  I tried to get the two surgeons, the antistatic doctor and the nurse in the operating room attention.  I kept telling them to leave my body alone, as I was doing Ok, feeling great, however, they ignored me, as if they didn't hear me.  Instead, they continued in a frenzy panic to save my body, lying lifeless on the table.  Here, I was dead and I was watching the three doctors and one nurse in as state of panic. I was hovering at the ceiling above them. I saw Dr. Wright, the specialist, calling my name, come on now can you hear me, come back, work with me; as he turned saying to the other doctor & the anaesthesias doctor, I never lost a patient this young before. I saw the specialist trying to do a heart massage to get my vital signs back again, since there wasn't any other choice at that time, as I was laying on my front.

Then immediately I remembered my worried mother, and my two younger brothers in the waiting room.  No sooner I thought of them I was there with them in the waiting room.  I saw my Mother, crying, and wiping away her tears with a tissue, and saying, to my brothers, it's been hours, why haven't we heard anything as yet.  I couldn't handle it if your Sister dies; it's too much for me.  I heard her praying, along with my brothers.  I remember trying to tell my Mother that I was alright, and felt great, but she or my brothers couldn't hear or see me either.

Then I felt myself back in the operating room and  hovering horizontally just above my body but instead of going back into the body, I found myself being pulled, travelling at tremendous speed through this dark tunnel, which I now associate with the valley of death. I could hear people's voices but I couldn't see them as I was travelling at such great speed and not stopping.  Then that tunnel looked like it got wider as I found myself moving slower, in outer space.  It was dark, with stars, moon, planets, comets, all kinds of objects in space that I had ever seen before, beautiful explosions of colors passing by me.  Passing by I saw such extraordinary, shapes, and colors. It's so awesome what is out there in the second heaven which many scholars call outer space; with the earth's blue sky being the first heaven.  These are the heavenlies, however, God resides in the 3rd heaven past outer space, is the only way to generally describe of it's location.  It's past the dark outer space, into the brilliant light filled presence of God, where there is no darkness. There is no need of the Sun in Heaven ,or any other light source.  For God the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit, Light up Heaven, with such spectacular beauty, filled with overflowing love

Before I knew it I arrived, at my destination, it was bright and beautiful, filled with golden light, there was no darkness at all.   When I reached the end of the tunnel I found my body standing upright, and I saw a figure shape of a man, beaming from head to toe with this beautiful bright white light suddenly standing in front of me, as I was coming closer the light.. . Immediately, I knew who this person was, the Light was Jesus.  I couldn't move, and was speechless as I stood there looking at Him, such love filled my entire being as I stood in His Presence. I could feel the Light embraced me, and I felt such, peace, joy, comfort, being in His presence, and it was more real than life on Earth.  Life on Earth seemed more like a dream when I think of comparing Jesus & Heaven.


Everything the Lord spoke to me was from his mind to my mind. I could hear the Lord speak from His thoughts, and in turn He heard my thoughts out loud too. We didn't have to say a word, with our lips or mouth.  We spoke to each other back and forth just by thinking we could hear one another, and carry on a conversation.

Jesus told me all that I would still have to go through many difficult things here on Earth! He also told me what He wanted me to do for Him. He said I wouldn't remember everything, when I got back to Earth, but he would bring back to mind the work I still needed to do for Him through the years as they past..  Jesus knew at the time I wasn't saved/born again, and He also saw the future when I would accept Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. 


I did get a glimpse of Heaven's beauty, just a glimpse, from outside looking in.. Then I remembered when he embraced me, and held me, I didn't want the Lord to let me go; Jesus' love is indescribable beyond anything anyone can experience on this earth. You can't contain it; it's awesome! Jesus told me that I would be back home one day, but I had to return right now. It saddened me, but He reminded me, my Mother still needed me, along with my brothers and so did my Step Father.

Instantaneously, I was transported, back to my body in the operating room.  In the recovery room, the doctor told me, that I gave them a scare, but that the surgery turned out alright.  I asked him, what happened, and he said to me, don't worry about that now, it's best to think of recovering, and getting better this was more important.  By the look on his face, I knew what had happened, but I didn't dare tell him, fearing future attacks of the negative outlook that was present during the 1960's, for those who had a  Near Death Experience.


The worst part of it all, was leaving Jesus, and the second was returning to my body with this big jolt to my chest, as my soul, my spirit returned with such great force upon impact. 


I never told anyone about my near death experience, for in those early days in the 60's people wouldn't believe you and considered  you mentally ill, if you told some one, this happened to you.  Some would take it so far as to be institutionalized by members of their family, for speaking out and others would be looked down upon unfavourably by many.  Very few believed,
as it was a forbidden subject to speak about.  I was more afraid of being labelled as such, then death, because dying, doesn't frighten me anymore. 


It wasn't until I reached the age of 40, that I actually told my family, my husband and children, and some others.  Books, teaching, and many more people experienced either Heaven or Hell.   Through out the decades it became much more openly discussed and many others had experiences of their own.  One would no longer be looked upon as mentally ill, because of having it happen to them.  I'm glad, because it was very difficult to hold it all inside and not being able to share with others, especially those closest to me.

The Lord knew I still had to be saved, and I received His Holy Spirit Baptism too, which I didn't know at the time. . I know that my Jesus lives, and so will I eternally be with our Lord and Savior!

